March 11, 2008

Meet Cindy, Manager Curves Dearborn

Cindy the Hun, as I lovingly call her, cracks the whip for me when I am away. We were referred to each other early in 2006 through a mutual friend who knew our Curves was hiring and Cindy was moving to Dearborn. Normally I only hire from the membership because I like to ensure I know your workout ethic and personality.

Hiring Cindy was a leap of faith and a blessing from above. At first she scared me. Don't laugh, you'd be scared too, to meet someone crazy enough to wear shorts when it is 20 degrees out! Now I know what you're thinking, everyone scares me. In my world I have found this truth: either scare or be scared. Most people say I scare them (because I'm so tough for such a shorty) and if I don't, they scare me. Ironically those are the people I end up admiring the most.

But don't you be scared, we are just talking about TOUGH LOVE, something we all need to stay on track and achieve the best person we can be. Think of it as lots of hard work with smiles!

Cindy is in her early 50's and has been married for 34 years. She has two male adult children, one who is married to a wonderful girl Jeanette (who also works at our Curves part time). Cindy has always been into sports and fitness and as she has gotten older Cindy says her body has made many changes and not always for the good.

"Fitness is a very important part of my life. I joined Curves for Women 7 years ago this May over Memorial weekend. I went in to see what this Curves concept was; I kept getting flyer's in the mail, so I had to check them out. I joined Curves on the spot. It was totally different than any exercise program I had done in the past, it was very intriguing.

Within the first month I lost 8 lbs and 8 inches, I was hooked; in total I've lost 38 pounds! Three months later I was at another Curves that was closer to my house and they were hiring. On a whim I applied and I got the job. Six years later I am still at Curves and I love every minute of it. The women are great. It is like an extended family."

Lovely Cindy (the Hun)


Kevin said...

This is true about Cindy wearing shorts. The first thought I had when I met Cindy (which of course was in the dead of winter) was "great legs". This is truly a trademark of our wonderful Curves manager. Gail is always calling her crazy so I like to mix the two and simply call her "Crazy Legs Cindy".

In any event, if you are a member of Curves in Dearborn, you know Cindy and love her too. If you are thinking about becoming a Curves member, you will be glad you joined our Curves when you experience the service and support of this amazing woman. If you are want to buy a Curves in Michigan you should definitely consider our Curves because Cindy is such an asset.

Thanks Cindy!!!

SammyC93 said...

Cindy totally rocks!! When I first met her I knew she was a cool adult!(and thats sometimes hard to come by) When ever I come in to curves I look forward to seeing her!!