March 3, 2008

A Man's Perspective: Magical

Kevin is Gail's husband and an avid supporter of the Curves women's fitness club in Dearborn Michigan. He contributes at this blog occasionaly and offers the man's perspective the best he can. He also manages many parts of the business for Gail while she focuses her efforts on the members' success.

I really love what happens at the Curves club. Gail and her team are the best in the business and I am proud to be married to her. What I am most proud of, though, is the difference she and the Curves fitness instructors have on the members.

I used to think it was all about losing weight and looking better. I was only partially right. What happens at the club can truly be magical. If you have ever been around somebody who achieves their life's goals and you were there to either help them along or just be part of it...magical. There might be another word for it, but I really like this one.

Curves members are not just about losing weight - albeit a very important part of it. No, it is about giving yourself some "me time" to set the mind and body in motion. Spending 30 minutes with other women who are all attempting to achieve very similar goals does more for the soul than just going to a gym and working the machines. It feeds the soul and bonds you to who you share the experience with.

What I see when women leave the club after an breath-taking workout is an aura of happiness about them. They did it again. They spent another 30 minutes in the exact way they wanted to AND without the pressure of showing up for men who are working out right along side of them. They show up for themselves and what it can mean to their self esteem.

As a man who works out regularly, I can vouch for the fact that men and women approach fitness in a completely different manner. Men like to go to get buff and, yes, even those of us who are married, have an ego to get stroked by having other people (other men as well as women) notice their workout physique.

For women, especially those not interested in playing the fitness gym fashion show, the process is completely different. This is where Curves for Women steps up and provides the atmosphere and tools that are perfect for success; perfect for them.

I am so proud to be a part of this journey which these members embark. Some potential members come into the club feeling defeated and troubled that almost nothing has worked for them in the past. They take the chance and sign up with us - and committing with signing up is VERY important to the oomph needed to push forward. When success finally comes, it is magical - even for those of us watching from a distance...


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